Meet our Scene Stirling Digital Cohort, Izzy Brims.
University of Stirling creative writing graduate Izzy Brims has been commissioned to write a series of short stories showcasing creative disabled people from Stirlingshire.⠀
Izzy said: “As a disabled person myself, I strongly believe in a variety of different voices being heard, especially ones which have been side-lined in the past. I want to highlight the work of local disabled creatives, so that their work can recognised and enjoyed by a wider audience.”⠀
She added: "I’m hyped to join such an exciting new venture with Scene Stirling and looking forward to meeting fellow creatives in the Stirling area, learning new skills and starting the journey towards developing my own career in the arts."⠀
Izzy was mentored by arts writer and magazine editor Douglas Greenwood, who has worked for several well-known titles including Vogue, The Independent, i-D and NME.⠀
View the Scene Stirling project and get in touch with Izzy Brims
Who are you? What do you do?
S’happenin’! I’m Izzy. Born, raised and educated in Stirling. I’ve always loved doing creative writing (it’s one of the only things I’m good at!) and what was originally just a way for me to skive off doing Uni work in my undergrad, soon became a passion. I graduated in November 2020 with a merit in MLitt Creative Writing and now trying to forge a career out of it.
What's your Scene Stirling project? Tell us about it.
My project is creating an online blog space, which can at a later date be turned into publication, that chronicles disabled creatives within the Stirling area. The purpose of this space is to give a platform to these creatives, where they can raise awareness about their disabilities/health conditions and also show off their creative work to a wider audience. This week I’m currently scheduling interviews and I’m commissioning an amazing young illustrator who I hope will be able to provide beautiful illustrations of the creatives, their work which I reckon will add a nice wee visual edge to my blog space.
Where do you currently work from?
So, like loads of us working from home during the pandemic, my bedroom has now magically transformed from just a bedroom to a bedroom/workspace/eating place. Before the pandemic (why does this feel like 100 years ago when it was literally a year ago?), I used to like going to local cafes and sit with pals having a blether whilst doing my work. The Ugly Mug (@theuglymugstirling) and Book Nook (@stirlingthebooknook) are amazing btw, you’s should check them out. But these days, I sit on my bed, huddled over my laptop with my wee cat who supervises me.
What challenges are you facing?⠀
So far, things are going well with my project (famous last words!). But, I’ve had to balance coping with my Crohns Disease and completing work on time. Lately I’ve been going to hospital for a few procedures which have shown that my Crohn’s is now quite active. In a way, this is a good thing, as it explains my symptoms and my amazing gastroenterologist is sorting out a treatment plan for me, to get the Crohn’s back under control. But it’s also meant I’ve needed to reign in my project a wee bit. I’ve decided to focus on quality, over quantity. I also think Crohn’s has helped me recognise when I need to slow down, take a break and take care of myself. Abled-bodied, disabled people, however you identify, self-care is so important! Please look after your physical and mental health. If your mind and body are asking for a break, listen! Take the time out. It’s more important than ever with the work-life balance being blurred with working from home.
What have you learnt in your commission so far?⠀
I’ve learned loads from the Scene Stirling project, especially from the wee workshops we’ve done. They’ve been really educational and beneficial; I reckon I’m gonna use a lot of what I’ve learned moving forwards. I’ve also learned loads from my mentor, Douglas Greenwood. Shout out to Douglas (@douglasgrnwd), what a wee angel he is.
Mentored by Douglas James Greenwood
Douglas James Greenwood is an arts writer, magazine editor and creative consultant based in London. Previous bylines: i-D, Vogue, British Vogue, The Independent, Playboy, The Face, Vice, Noisey, Dazed Beauty, NME, Crack.
Co-founder and editor-in-chief of SUPER, a gigantic, free fashion and arts manual that champions the talents of voices of those worth paying attention to.The debut issue, featuring Maisie Williams and Sunny Suljic, launched in May 2019 at Dover Street Market's Photo London event.
“Meeting Izzy reminded me of the wealth of literary and journalistic talent that exists in the Stirling area, and the opportunities for storytelling that exist on the city's doorstep. From the offset, we worked together to form the brand and direction of the project, and checking in with her throughout the process to see it come together was hugely rewarding for me as a mentor. I hope people get to see how talented Izzy is, and how versatile her skills are. I'm proud to have been able to work with her, and with Scene Stirling, on a project that highlights the city's creative excellence.”